Hey! It’s me, The Queen, here to do our Friday post. So today I thought I should write about five study tools/resources, so here I am. But before I start I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been keeping up with my blog, as it is hard to start a blog and get readers, so thank you! I will put the links at the end of the post.
This one is not really a tool, but I like them alot. It's good ole’ school paper flashcards. Why paper flashcards when you can have digital ones you might ask? Well, I like to have something I can have that's easy to get on the go. Like if I were in the car on a trip It would be harder to grab my chromebook and take it with me, but I could easily bring flashcards. That's why I like them. So I made a template and included that at the bottom of my post.
Again this one is not a website, but these can be very helpful! This lovely item is a study guide.Your teacher most likely gives them out to you all the time and you probably take them forganted. BUT just because they are something simple doesn't mean they aren’t helpful! I use them all the time when making Quizlets,Quizizz, or flashcards, and you probably do and just don’t realize it. These can also be helpful and double as a note taking recourse when taking notes on a slideshow your teacher may have made or just notes in general for class.I also did include a template at the bottom in case you ever have to make your own study guide.
Number five is a website, but I am sure you all know about it. It’s Google Slides. Now you're probably wondering how this is a study tool? I use it as a study tool by using my study guide to help me make a slideshow on the terms. Then I find links and resources to put on there that are also helpful for studying that I may want to use. You can also add pictures to help you remember/learn some of the terms on your presentation.
Thanks for reading my study tools/resources! I hope to see you on Monday in my next post! Goodbye!
Links: Quizlet, Quizizz, Google Slides.
Flash Card Template
Note: To use copy and paste onto a google doc and fill in the blanks. Then, print, cut apart, and glue onto index cards.
Title Here
Terms and Definitions
- Term-Definition
- Term-Definition
- Term-Definition
- Term-Definition
- Term-Definition
- Term-Definition
- Term-Definition
- Term-Definition
- Term-Definition
- Term-Definition
How and What happend?
How and What happened here. Remember to use dates if possible.
What to Know
- Highlight
- Highlight
- Highlight
- Highlight
- Highlight
- Highlight
- Highlight
- Highlight
- Highlight
- Highlight
Additional Information
Any fun facts or additional information here.
Note: To use this document copy and paste on to a google doc and fill in the blanks.
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~~The Queen~~